Phenergan Tablet (Promethazine)

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Buy Phenergan 25mg TABLET has a place with the class of prescriptions called 'allergy meds' utilized in the therapy of unfavorably susceptible responses, a sleeping disorder, and nausea from moving around. Sensitivity or touchiness is a safe framework reaction to unfamiliar components regularly not unsafe to your body.

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Phenergan 10mg Tablet (Promethazine)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $1.92
60 Tablet/s $3.84
90 Tablet/s $6.00

Phenergan 25mg Tablet (Promethazine)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $6.00
60 Tablet/s $12.00
90 Tablet/s $18.00

Introduction of Phenergan Tablet (Promethazine)

PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET has a place with the class of prescriptions called 'allergy meds' utilized in the therapy of unfavorably susceptible responses, a sleeping disorder, and nausea from moving around. Sensitivity or touchiness is a safe framework reaction to unfamiliar components regularly not unsafe to your body. Sleep deprivation is a rest problem described by trouble falling or staying unconscious. Nausea from moving around is an ailment brought about by movement during movement described by queasiness and spewing. Promethazine 25mg TABLET contains 'promethazine' which goes about as an allergy medicine. It impedes the activity of receptors (synthetic substances causing unfavorably susceptible side effects) and diminishes the hypersensitive response. It likewise follows up on the cerebrum straightforwardly and produces the quieting and hostile to queasiness impact.

PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET is accessible in tablet, syrup, infusion, and suppository dose structures. Tablets are gulped down as an entire with a glass of water. The syrup is estimated utilizing an estimated cup and gulped with water. The infusion is given by medical care proficient as it were. Suppositories are just for rectal use and are given when patients can't take this medication in other measurement structures. The portion and length of this medication are recommended by your PCP. Normal results of PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET are dry mouth, obscured vision, sleepiness, dazedness, migraine, sluggishness, bewilderment, having bad dreams, disarray, fretfulness, loss of craving, heartburn, low circulatory strain (hypotension), photosensitivity (redness or rashes on sun-uncovered skin) and a wild inclination to move the legs (Restless Legs Syndrome). Look for clinical consideration right away in the event that these aftereffects endure or decline. Try not to take PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET assuming you are oversensitive to promethazine or any items in it. PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET ought not to be given to youngsters under 2 years old because of the gamble of likely respiratory melancholy (slow and insufficient relaxing). PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET might cause skin photosensitivity (rashes and redness on sun-uncovered skin). In this way, stay away from delayed openness to daylight. PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET might cause discombobulation, so you shouldn't drive or work large equipment. Illuminate your primary care physician in the event that you have rest apnea (dozing jumble) or ongoing obstructive pneumonic sickness (COPD) (a lung illness) as this medication might cause respiratory wretchedness or unreasonable sleepiness. Try not to polish off liquor while taking this medication. PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET tablets contain lactose, so illuminate your primary care physician assuming you have prejudice to sugars.

Uses of Phenergan Tablet (Promethazine)

Therapeutic Benefits
PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET contains 'promethazine' which has a place with the class of 'phenothiazines'. It is an allergy med and blocks the activity of receptors (synthetic compounds causing hypersensitive side effects). It can actually treat hypersensitive side effects like tingling, watery eyes, hives, runny nose, and wheezing. It likewise follows up on the mind straightforwardly and produces a quieting and hostile-to-sickness impact. For transient use, it is utilized in the treatment of a sleeping disorder. It can treat side effects like inclination wiped out (queasiness) and fall debilitated (retching) happening because of movement or movement infection.

Headings for Use
PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET is accessible in the accompanying dose structures: tablet, mixture, infusion, and suppository. Tablet: Tablets are gulped down as an entire with a glass of water. Try not to pulverize, bite, or break the tablets. Take the tablets consistently at a proper time for better results. Syrup: Take the recommended measure of syrup utilizing an estimating cup or oral needle and swallow it with a glass of water. Try not to gauge the syrup utilizing a family spoon. Injection: Injection is given by medical care proficient in this way, don't self-administer.Suppositories: Suppositories are for rectal utilization as it were. Clean up when each utilization. Lie on one side and raise the contrary side knee to your chest. Then, at that point, utilizing the finger, embed the suppository into the rectum, about ½ to 1 inch, and hold it set up for a few seconds. Lie for around 15 minutes and stand up leisurely.

Side effects of Phenergan Tablet (Promethazine)

PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET might cause incidental effects like dry mouth, obscured vision, sluggishness, tipsiness, migraine, sleepiness, bewilderment, having bad dreams, disarray, fretfulness, loss of craving (anorexia), acid reflux (dyspepsia), low circulatory strain (hypotension), photosensitivity (redness or rashes on sun-uncovered skin), and a wild inclination to move the legs (Restless Legs Syndrome). On the off chance that these secondary effects don't vanish or deteriorate, counsel a specialist right away.

At, the price of Promethazine tablets may vary depending on the dosage strength and quantity purchased. For accurate and up-to-date pricing information, please visit our website and search for Promethazine tablets. We strive to offer competitive prices and high-quality medications to our valued customers. Feel free to explore our website for more details and to place your order conveniently online. Our customer support team is also available to assist you with any inquiries you may have. Shop with confidence for your healthcare needs at

Precautions of Phenergan Tablet (Promethazine)

Try not to take PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET on the off chance that you are adversely affected by PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET or some other items in it. Prior to taking PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET, if it's not too much trouble, let your PCP know if you are involving any antidepressants as though they give together can cause extreme tiredness. This medication ought not to be given to kids under 5 years old and patients who are oblivious or have extreme sleepiness, wooziness or migraine. Illuminate your primary care physician in the event that you experience issues breathing, asthma or bronchitis (lung issues), epilepsy (fits), genuine heart issues, liver or kidney issues, a stomach blockage, hearing issues, expanded tension in the eye (glaucoma) and Reye's Syndrome (enlarging in the liver and mind in kids). Likewise, illuminate your PCP in the event that you are pregnant or breastfeeding. This medication causes tipsiness and tiredness. Thus, limit liquor admission and cease from exercises that expect you to remain awake. Keep away from delayed openness to daylight or the utilization of sun lights as it might cause photosensitivity (rashes on sun-uncovered skin).

Interactions with Phenergan Tablet (Promethazine)

Drug Interactions: PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET might cooperate with anticholinergic meds, antidepressants, narcotics (diazepam and zolpidem) and pain relievers (anti-inflammatory medicine).

Drug-food Interactions: Alcohol might change the impact of PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET.

Drug-illness Interactions: PHENERGAN 25MG TABLET ought to be involved with alert in patients with respiratory sicknesses (asthma), liver or kidney issues, genuine heart issues, rest problems, seizures, hearing issues, glaucoma (eye issues) and Reye's Syndrome (expanding in the liver and mind in youngsters).


Is Phenergan a resting tablet?

Promethazine is an allergy medicine now and then utilized as a dozing pill. It is likewise realized by the trademarks Phenergan and Sominex. It's accessible to purchase without medicine from a specialist.

Do Phenergan pills make you drowsy?

Does Phenergan make you sluggish? Indeed. Phenergan is much of the time utilized as a gentle narcotic and can initiate rest particularly when a medical procedure.

Is Phenergan protected to every day take?

Phenergan shouldn't typically be taken for over 10 days straight. Assuming your side effects endure, see your drug specialist or specialist for counsel. On the off chance that you are taking Phenergan for a hypersensitive problem and you neglect to take your sleep time portion, you might have to take your portion in a few more modest dosages during the next day.

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More Information
Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand : Phenergan
Generic Search : Promethazine
Strength : 10mg, 25mg