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1. What are the 3 types of blood?

There are three sorts of blood cells. They are:

1. Red blood cells (Erythrocytes)
2. White blood cells (Leukocytes)
3. Platelets (Thrombocytes)

1. Red Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)

  • Most abundant cells within the bloodRed Blood Cells (Erythrocytes)
  • Account for around 40 to 45 percent of the blood.
  • Biconcave disc which is round and flat, kind of sort of a shallow bowl.
  • Disk diameter of roughly 6.2-8.2 µm.
  • They have a thick rim and a skinny sunken center.
  • Nucleus Absent.
  • Can change form without breaking.
  • Production of RBCs is controlled by erythropoietin.
  • RBC contains hemoglobin (33%).
  • The iron found in hemoglobin provides the blood its red color.
  • RBCs cannot repair themselves.
  • The life span of 120 days.
  • 4 million new erythrocytes are formed per second in human adults.
  • 20–30 trillion red blood cells at all given times.
  • Male: 4.3-5.9 million/mm3 and Female: 3.5-5.5 million/mm3


Transportation oxygen from the lungs to the unit of the body.

Pick up CO2 from other tissues and unload it within the lungs.

2. White Blood Cells (Leukocytes)

  • Account for less than about 1% of the blood.
  • 4500-11,000/mm3
  • They are the cells that structure the bulk of the system.
  • It is the part of the body that protects itself against foreign substances and various sorts of infections.
  • They are made within the bone marrow from multipotent cells called hematopoietic stem cells.
  • They exist altogether in parts of the body, including the animal tissue, lymph system, and therefore the bloodstream.
  • Leukopenia may be a low white blood corpuscle count which will be caused by damage to the bone marrow from things like medications, radiation, or chemotherapy.
  • Leukocytosis may be a high white blood corpuscle count which will be caused by a variety of conditions, including various sorts of infections, diseases within the body.
  • They are broken into Granulocytes (having detectable granules or grains inside the cells) and Agranulocytes (free of obvious grains under the microscope).
  • There are five main sorts of WBCs. Neutrophils (granulocytes), Eosinophils (granulocytes), Basophils (granulocytes), Lymphocytes (non-granulocytes) and Monocytes (non-granulocytes).

A. Neutrophils (granulocytes)

  • Most common sort of white blood corpuscle.
  • Accounts for 62% of Leukocytes
  • Multi-lobed Nucleus present.
  • Contain very fine cytoplasmic granules.
  • 2000 to 7500 cells per mm3
  • Medium-sized white blood cells.
  • Also called polymorphonuclear (PMN) because they need a spread of nuclear shapes.
  • Diameter of 10–12 μm.
  • The life span of 6 hours to few days.


Kills bacteria through the method of phagocytosis.

They also release a burst of superoxides that have the power to kill many bacteria at an equivalent time.

B. Eosinophils (granulocytes)

  • 40-400 cells per mm3
  • Have large granules
  • The nucleus is split into two lobes (bi-lobed nucleus)
  • Diameter of 10–12 μm.
  • Accounts for two .3%
  • The life span of 8–12 days


  • Kills parasites and has a task in allergies.
  • Discharge toxins from their granules to kill pathogens.

C. Basophils (granulocytes)

  • 0-100 cells per mm3
  • Colorful when stained and checked out under the microscope
  • They have a pale nucleus that's usually hidden by granules.
  • Bi-lobed or Tri-lobed nucleus present.
  • Diameter of 12–15 μm.
  • Accounts for 0.4%
  • Life term of few hours to few days.


  • Functions in allergies.
  • Secrete anticoagulants and antibodies that have function against hypersensitivity reactions within the bloodstream.
  • Basophils contain histamine, which dilates the vessels to bring more immune cells to the world of injury.
  • Secrete heparin is an anticoagulant that promotes mobility of other WBCs by averting clotting.

D. Lymphocytes (Agranulocytes)

  • Small rounded cells
  • Nucleus Present
  • 1300 to 4000 per mm3
  • Diameter of 7-8 μm (Small) and 12-15 μm (broad)
  • Accounts for 30%
  • Life term of years for memory cells and weeks for all else.


  • T lymphocytes (T cells) are liable for cell-mediated immunity.
  • B lymphocytes are liable for humoral immunity or antibody production.
  • They can remember and have a memory of invading bacteria and viruses.
  • Function in destroying cancer cells.
  • They present antigens to activate other cells of the system.

E. Monocytes (Agranulocytes)

  • Largest of the kinds of white blood cells
  • Kidney-shaped nucleus present.
  • 200 to 800 monocytes per mm3
  • Turn into macrophages once they exit the bloodstream.
  • Diameter of 15-30 μm.
  • Accounts for five .3%
  • Life term of few hours to few days.
  • Functions
  • Enters the tissue, where they become larger and switch into macrophages.
  • Destroy old, injured, and dead cells within the body.

3. Platelets (Thrombocytes)

  • Nucleus Absent. Platelets (Thrombocytes)
  • Do not reproduce.
  • Small fragments of bone marrow cells.
  • 150,000–400,000 platelets in each microliter of human blood.


  • Platelets are the parts of cells that the body operates for clotting.
  • Helps to market other blood coagulation mechanisms. Example: Secrete procoagulants (clotting factors) to market blood coagulation.
  • They secrete vasoconstrictors which constrict blood vessels, generate vascular spasms in broken blood vessels.
  • They secrete chemicals that bring neutrophils and monocytes to sites of tenderness.
  • Dissolve blood clots once they are not any longer essential.
  • Digest and destroy bacteria.
  • They secrete growth factors to take care of the linings of blood vessels.

2. What is blood explain?

Blood is important to live. Blood circulates through our body and delivers essential material like oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. It also transports metabolic waste products far away from those selfsame cells. There’s no substitute for blood. It can't be made or manufactured. Generous blood donors are the sole source of blood for patients in need of a transfusion.

Blood Components

There are four basic factors that comprise human blood: plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells mean 40%-45% of your blood volume. They’re generated from your bone marrow at a rate of 4 to 5 billion per hour. They need a lifecycle of about 120 days within the body.


Platelets are a tremendous part of your blood. Platelets are the littlest of our blood cells and precisely appear as if small plates in their non-active form. Platelets control bleeding. Wherever a wound occurs, the vessel will send a sign. Platelets accept that signal and visit the world and transform into their “active” formation, developing long tentacles to form contact with the vessel and form clusters to plug the wound until it heals.


Plasma is that the liquid portion of your blood. Plasma is yellowish in color and is formed up mostly of water, but it also consists of proteins, sugars, hormones, and salts. It transports water and nutrients to your body’s mesh.

White Blood Cells

Although white blood cells (leukocytes) alone account for about 1% of your blood, they're vital. White blood cells are essential for permanent health and protection against illness and disease. Like red blood cells, they're constantly being generated from your bone marrow. The outflow through the bloodstream and attacks foreign bodies, like viruses and bacteria. They will even leave the bloodstream to increase the fight into tissue.

3. What 4 things make up blood?

1. Plasma (liquid stuff)

Plasma structure 55% of your blood’s volume
Plasma is formed of 92% water
The other 8% consist of proteins, nutrients, salts, enzymes, and other stuff your cells need
Its color is clear/off-white
Plasma is just like the river that keeps all the opposite blood cells flowing throughout the body

2. Red Blood Cells (erythrocytes)

Red Blood Cells, or RBCs, structure 45% of your blood’s volume
RBCs are the foremost numerous cells in your blood
RBCs contain hemoglobin, a protein that carries oxygen to the cells, and CO2 waste far away from cells

3. White Blood Cells (leukocytes)

White Blood Cells, or WBCs, structure about 1% of your blood’s volume
WBCs secure the body from invaders and infectious disease
WBCs are formed within the bone marrow and only live for a few days
Leukemia (from ‘leukocyte’) may be a sort of cancer when your bone marrow produces malformed white blood cells that don’t do your job and stop your blood from being healthy

4. Platelets (thrombocytes)

Platelets structure but 1% of your blood’s volume
Platelets help form blood clots to recover tears in your arteries, veins, or capillaries
Not enough platelets = you bleed
Too many platelets = halts blood flow and may cause stroke

4. What makes the blood look red?

  • Red blood cells consist of a molecule called hemoglobin, which binds and transports oxygen through our bodies. Hemoglobin is organized from four protein chains that every predicament a more ring-shaped chemical structure called heme Trusted Source.
  • Our red blood cells are red due to the heme groups in hemoglobin. In turn, our blood is red due to the many red blood cells that it contains.
  • Color plays a crucial role in many aspects of biology, explain the authors of a new review published within the journal Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine.
  • Color is vital for “camouflage and safety, metabolism, sexual behavior, and conversation,” they explain.

Metals matter

The protein chains within the hemoglobin particle in red blood cells are encoded by our genes. Mutations within the globin genes can cause diseases like thalassemia and red blood cell disease. In order to bind oxygen, each protein chain binds to at least one heme group, allowing a maximum of 4 oxygen molecules to bind per one hemoglobin molecule. A theme’s center sits an iron molecule. The iron makes him look red-brown. But what if the iron is swapped for a special metal? Remember those green flames from chemistry class? Plant leaves are green because the chlorophyll within the leaves contains magnesium in the middle of the ring. Meanwhile, in cold-blooded animals, blood appears blue because copper atoms sit at the transitional of the ring and bind to oxygen.

Binding and therefore the body

To return to human blood, the iron in hemoglobin binds oxygen within the lungs as we inhale air. Now, our blood looks bright red because it is being pumped far away from the lungs to the tissues in our body.
Luckily, oxygen binding is reversible, which suggests that oxygen haunted within the lungs is released within the tissues because the blood circulates around the body.
When the oxygen is released, it's replaced by CO2, which is then taken back to our lungs and expelled from our bodies as we breathe. When CO2 binds to hemoglobin, the color changes from bright red to red with a touch of purple Trusted Source.
But why do our veins look blue? It’s an illusion; the veins themselves are literally white-pink. The blue color Trusted Source that we see with our eyes may be a combination of the blood, the vessel, the skin, and therefore the process that permits us to ascertain color.
Specifically, an imbalance of the proteins and cells liable for blood coagulation can generate hypercoagulability.
When blood is thick, it can hinder the movement of oxygen, hormones, and nutrients throughout the body, preventing them from reaching tissues and cells. This will cause low oxygen levels within the cells and cause hormonal and nutritional deficiencies.
Below, we offer a deeper check out how thick blood affects the body, what can generate this issue, and the way doctors treat it.


The health issue that causes thick blood could also be inherited or genetic, or it's going to be acquired, developing over time. Some medical accustom that because the blood to thicken include:

Polycythemia Vera

Polycythemia Vera (PV) may be a blood disease that originates in bone marrow, the soft center of the bone where new blood cells develop.
PV involves the bone marrow making too many red or white blood cells and platelets, generate the blood to thicken.
Experts believe that PV results from genetic changes that appear after conceit. It’s not generally inherited, in other words, the changes tend to occur slowly over a few years.

Various symptoms may appear over time, including:

  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • dizziness
  • weakness
  • sweating, especially in the dark
  • itchy skin
  • blurred vision and ringing within the ears
  • abdominal fullness or bloating, thanks to an enlarged spleen