Razo (Rabeprazole)

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Rabeprazole is a medication that prompts lower corrosive creation in the stomach.

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Razo 10 (Rabeprazole 10mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $6.50
60 Tablet/s $12.00
90 Tablet/s $16.20

Razo 20 (Rabeprazole 20mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $10.78
60 Tablet/s $21.56
90 Tablet/s $32.34

Introductions of Razo (Rabeprazole)

Rabeprazole is a medication which prompts lower corrosive creation in the stomach. It has a place with a group of medications called proton siphon inhibitors. This prescription will anyway not give quick alleviation from indigestion. Rabeprazole is sold under different trademarks, some of which are Achiphex and Razo (made by Dr. Reddy's Laboratories)Rabeprazole is recommended for individuals with gastroesophageal reflux illness (GERD) and other comparative circumstances described by unnecessary measure of corrosive creation in the stomach like Zollinger-Ellison condition. This drug is likewise endorsed for the treatment of erosive esophagitis, a condition where the stomach corrosive arrives at the throat and harms it.Rabeprazole may likewise be prompted alongside an anti-toxin to forestall gastric ulcer because of disease with helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This medicine may likewise be prompted for conditions not recorded previously.

Uses of Razo (Rabeprazole)

Rabeprazole is utilized to treat side effects of gastric acridity, gastro-digestive reflux illness (heart consume), stomach and digestive ulcers, and infections related with exorbitant corrosive creation (Zollinger Ellison Syndrome).
Rabeprazole has a place with class of prescriptions called proton siphon inhibitors. It obstructs the action of the proton siphons in the stomach wall that produce corrosive, consequently diminishing how much corrosive created in the stomach.

Side Effects of Razo (Rabeprazole)

  • Get crisis clinical assistance in the event that you get a few hypersensitive responses to Rabeprazole (Achiphex, Razo) like skin hives, breathing trouble, expanding in face, lips, tongue, or throat.
  • Rabeprazole might prompt low magnesium, side effects of which are unsteadiness, disarray, feeling nervous, unpredictable and quick pulse, snapping muscle developments, watery or ridiculous the runs, muscle issues or shortcoming, limp inclination, hack or gagging, or seizure. Quit taking Rabeprazole on the off chance that you get those side effects and contact your primary care physician immediately.
  • A few less serious symptoms of Rabeprazole are migraine, rash or tingling on skin, furious stomach, sleep deprivation, or gentle the runs.
  • The aftereffects referenced above are not every one of the secondary effects detailed or experienced because of Rabeprazole.

Precautions of Razo (Rabeprazole)

Deal with all safety measures and focuses referenced above prior to taking Rabeprazole (Achiphex, Razo) and examine them with your primary care physician and explain any questions you might have about it. Advise your primary care physician ahead of time assuming you have extreme liver illness or lack of magnesium so the individual can decide whether it is alright for you to take Rabeprazole.

Taking a proton siphon inhibitor like Rabeprazole might place you on a gamble of bone break in hip, wrist, or spine. This secondary effect has been seen in individuals who have taken the drug for quite a while or at high dosages, and in the people who are 50 years or age or more. It isn't known as expected on the off chance that Rabeprazole is the genuine purpose for the gamble of bone breaks. Make a point to illuminate your PCP on the off chance that you have osteoporosis or osteopenia (low bone mineral thickness).
Rabeprazole is a FDA pregnancy classification B drug which implies it isn't normal to be destructive to an unborn child in the event that it is taken during pregnancy. Advise your PCP about your pregnancy or any arrangement to become pregnant sooner rather than later. It isn't known whether Rabeprazole can pass into bosom milk and damage a nursing child. Never take this drug without your primary care physician's recommendation assuming you are bosom taking care of.

Interaction of Razo (Rabeprazole)

Certain medications can cooperate with Rabeprazole (Achiphex, Razo, for example, an enemy of coagulant like warfarin, atazanavir, digoxin, a diuretic, ketoconazole, methotrexate, or cyclosporine.
The medications referenced accordingly are not every one of the potential medications which can connect with Rabeprazole. There might be others also. Share the rundown of all sort of meds and related items which you are utilizing with your primary care physician and never start another medicine without their recommendation.


Is rabeprazole taken void stomach?

You'll for the most part take rabeprazole one time per day, before anything else. In the event that your primary care physician endorses it two times every day, take 1 portion toward the beginning of the day and 1 portion at night. It's ideal to take rabeprazole before a dinner. Gulp down your tablets with a beverage of water or squash.

Is rabeprazole same as omeprazole?

Rabeprazole is identical to omeprazole in the treatment of erosive gastro-oesophageal reflux sickness. A randomized, twofold visually impaired, similar investigation of rabeprazole and omeprazole 20 mg in intense therapy of reflux oesophagitis, trailed by an upkeep open-mark, low-portion treatment with rabeprazole. Dig Liver Dis.

Does rabeprazole cause gas?

Call your PCP or get clinical assistance on the off chance that any of these aftereffects or some other incidental effects annoy you or don't disappear: Headache. Stoppage, loose bowels, stomach torment, resentful stomach, or hurling. Gas.

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Manufacturer :
Equivalent Brand : Aciphex
Generic Search : Rabeprazole
Strength : 10mg, 20mg