Mycofit Tablet (Mycophenolate)

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Mycophenolate is here and there endorsed under the names mycophenolate mofetil or mycophenolate sodium ana also sold under the trade name Cellcept. Mycophenolate has various employments. Whenever it's endorsed as an infection-changing enemy of rheumatic medication (DMARD), it should assist with controlling your condition and diminish harm to your joints and different organs like your lungs, kidneys, and veins.

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Mycofit 250mg Tablet (Mycophenolate Sodium 250mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $48.20
60 Tablet/s $96.40
90 Tablet/s $144.60

Mycofit 500mg Tablet (Mycophenolate Sodium 500mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $70.00
60 Tablet/s $140.00
90 Tablet/s $210.00

Introductions of Mycofit Tablet (Mycophenolate)

Mycophenolate is here and there endorsed under the names mycophenolate mofetil or mycophenolate sodium. Mycophenolate has various employments. Whenever it's endorsed as an infection-changing enemy of rheumatic medication (DMARD), it should assist with controlling your condition and diminish harm to your joints and different organs like your lungs, kidneys, and veins. Like all DMARDs, mycophenolate dials back how dynamic your condition is, rather than simply treating what its indications mean for you. It works by lessening the action of your body's resistant framework. At the point when your insusceptible framework is working appropriately, it safeguards you by fending off disease and ailment. However, in fiery conditions, your resistant framework might assault portions of your body accidentally, like your lungs, kidneys, and veins. It is also sold under the brand name Cellcept.

Mycophenolate Sodium Tablet: Mycophenolate sodium tablet is a formulation of mycophenolate that is commonly used in the treatment of autoimmune diseases and to prevent organ rejection in transplant recipients. Similar to mycophenolate mofetil, mycophenolate sodium works by suppressing the immune system. It is available in tablet form and is prescribed at specific dosages based on the patient's medical condition and individual requirements.

Mycophenolate 500mg Tablets: Mycophenolate 500mg tablets refer to a specific strength of mycophenolate tablets. These tablets contain 500 milligrams of the active ingredient mycophenolate. They are commonly prescribed to patients who require this specific dosage for their medical condition, such as organ transplant recipients or individuals with certain autoimmune diseases. The dosage and frequency of administration may vary depending on the patient's specific needs and the instructions provided by their healthcare provider.

Mycophenolate Mofetil Tablet Dosage information

The dosage of mycophenolate mofetil tablets can vary depending on the specific medical condition being treated and individual patient factors. It is crucial to follow the dosage instructions provided by your healthcare provider. Typically, mycophenolate mofetil is taken orally, usually with food, to minimize stomach upset. For organ transplant recipients, the recommended starting dose is usually between 1 gram (1000 milligrams) to 1.5 grams (1500 milligrams) per day, divided into two doses. However, your healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage based on factors such as the type of transplant and your body weight.For the treatment of autoimmune diseases, the initial dosage can range from 1 gram (1000 milligrams) to 1.5 grams (1500 milligrams) per day, divided into two doses. Again, your healthcare provider will determine the exact dosage based on your specific condition and individual response to the medication.

Uses of Mycofit Tablet (Mycophenolate)

  • Mycophenolate/Cellcept is utilized in a mix with different prescriptions to hold your body back from assaulting and dismissing your relocated organ (like the kidney, liver, or heart). It has a place with a class of prescriptions called immunosuppressants. It works by debilitating your body's guard framework (resistant framework) to assist your body with tolerating the new organ as though it were your own.
  • Instructions to utilize mycophenolate mofetil oral
  • Peruse the Medication Guide given by your drug specialist before you begin taking mycophenolate and each time you get a top-off. Assuming you have any inquiries, ask your primary care physician or drug specialist.
  • Accept this prescription by mouth as coordinated by your PCP, ordinarily two times every day on a vacant stomach, 1 hour prior or 2 hours after dinner.
  • Gulp down the prescription. Try not to pound or bite. On the off chance that you are taking the containers, don't open them prior to gulping.
  • On the off chance that the container falls to pieces or on the other hand assuming there is dust from the tablets, try not to breathe in the powder or dust, and stay away from direct contact with the skin or eyes. Assuming that contact happens, wash the impacted skin region well with cleanser and water or flush your eyes with plain water. Counsel your drug specialist for subtleties.

Side effects Mycofit Tablet (Mycophenolate)

  • Clogging, sickness, migraine, runs, heaving, stomach upset, gas, quake, unsteadiness, sleepiness, or inconvenience resting may happen. In the event that any of these impacts last or deteriorate, tell your primary care physician or drug specialist expeditiously.
  • Recollect that this drug has been endorsed in light of the fact that your PCP has decided that the advantage to you is more prominent than the danger of secondary effects. Many individuals utilizing this medicine don't have genuine incidental effects.
  • Tell your primary care physician immediately on the off chance that you have any genuine secondary effects, including surprising sleepiness, quick/unpredictable heartbeat, simple dying/swelling, expanding of the feet or lower legs, joint torment/firmness, and muscle torment.
  • Move clinical assistance immediately assuming you have any intense secondary effects, including stomach/stomach torment that doesn't disappear, dark stools, upchuck that appears as though coffee beans, chest torment, windedness/fast relaxing.
  • Blockage, queasiness, cerebral pain, loose bowels, heaving, stomach upset, gas, quake, discombobulation, languor, or inconvenience dozing may happen. Assuming any of these impacts last or deteriorate, tell your PCP or drug specialist expeditiously.
  • Recall that this drug has been endorsed in light of the fact that your primary care physician has decided that the advantage to you is more prominent than the danger of secondary effects. Many individuals utilizing this drug don't have genuine secondary effects.
  • Tell your PCP immediately assuming you have any genuine aftereffects, including surprising sluggishness, quick/unpredictable heartbeat, simple dying/swelling, enlarging of the feet or lower legs, joint agony/solidness, and muscle torment.
  • Move clinical assistance immediately assuming you have any intense secondary effects, including stomach/stomach torment that doesn't disappear, dark stools, upchuck that appears as though espresso beans, chest torment, windedness/fast relaxing.

Precautions of Mycofit Tablet (Mycophenolate)

  • Prior to taking mycophenolate mofetil/Cellcept, let your PCP or drug specialist know if you are susceptible to it; or to mycophenolic corrosive; or to mycophenolate sodium; or then again in the event that you have some other sensitivities. This item might contain inert fixings, which can cause hypersensitive responses or different issues. Converse with your drug specialist for additional subtleties.
  • Prior to utilizing this drug, tell your PCP or drug specialist your clinical history, particularly of: malignant growth, liver illness (like hepatitis B, hepatitis C), kidney sickness, current/past diseases (like herpes, shingles), stomach/digestive issues (like ulcers), interesting hereditary issues (like Lesch-Nyhan or Kelley-Seegmiller disorders).
  • This medication might make you dazed or tired. Liquor or maryjane (pot) can make you more dazed or sluggish. Try not to drive, use hardware, or do anything that needs readiness until you can do it securely. Limit cocktails. Converse with your primary care physician assuming you are utilizing Maryjane (marijuana).
  • Mycophenolate can make you bound to get diseases or may demolish any momentum contaminations. Stay away from contact with individuals who have contaminations that might spread to other people (like chickenpox, measles, influenza). Counsel your PCP assuming that you have been presented to contamination or for additional subtleties.
  • Try not to have inoculations/immunizations without the assent of your primary care physician. Stay away from contact with individuals who have as of late gotten live antibodies, (for example, influenza immunization breathed in through the nose).
  • To bring down the possibility of getting cut, wounded, or harmed, use alert with sharp items like razors and nail cutters, and stay away from exercises, for example, physical games.
  • Prior to having a medical procedure, enlighten your primary care physician or dental specialist concerning every one of the items you use (counting professionally prescribed medications, nonprescription medications, and homegrown items).
  • Try not to give blood while utilizing mycophenolate and for a considerable length of time subsequent to halting this medication. Try not to give sperm while utilizing mycophenolate and for 90 days subsequent to halting this medication.
  • Since this medication can be assimilated through the skin and lungs and may hurt an unborn child, ladies who are pregnant or who might become pregnant ought not to deal with this prescription or inhale the residue from the tablets or powder from the containers.
  • This drug isn't suggested for use during pregnancy. It might hurt an unborn child. It is vital to forestall pregnancy while taking this drug and for a considerable length of time in the wake of halting it. In the event that you become pregnant or figure you might be pregnant, tell your PCP immediately. Ladies of childbearing age should converse with their doctor(s) about the advantages and dangers (like premature delivery). Ladies of childbearing age ought to have a pregnancy test prior to beginning this medicine, following 8 to 10 days of treatment, and during routine subsequent visits.
  • Ladies of childbearing age ought to get some information about utilizing dependable types of conception prevention during treatment and for a long time in the wake of halting treatment. Guys with female accomplices of childbearing age should utilize solid types of conception prevention while utilizing this medicine and for quite a long time in the wake of halting treatment. See additionally Drug Interactions area.
  • It is obscure to assume that this medication passes into bosom milk. Due to the conceivable danger to the newborn child, bosom taking care of while utilizing this medication isn't suggested. Counsel your PCP before bosom taking care of.

Interactions with Mycofit Tablet (Mycophenolate)

  • Drug connections might change how your prescriptions work or increment your danger for genuine aftereffects. This report doesn't contain all conceivable medication collaborations. Keep a rundown of the multitude of items you use (counting medicine/nonprescription medications and homegrown items) and offer it to your PCP and drug specialist. Try not to begin, stop, or change the dose of any medications without your PCP's endorsement.
  • A few items that might connect with this medication include different medications that debilitate the resistant framework/increment the danger of disease, (for example, natalizumab, rituximab).
  • This medicine might diminish the adequacy of hormonal conception prevention like pills, fixes, or rings. This could cause pregnancy. In the event that you are utilizing hormonal conception prevention, you should utilize an extra non-hormonal type of contraception while utilizing this medicine. Examine your choices with your primary care physician or drug specialist. Likewise let your primary care physician know if you have any new spotting or advancement dying, on the grounds that these might be signs that your contraception isn't functioning admirably.


Q. Is mycophenolate mofetil/Cellcept protected in pregnancy?

Mycophenolate mofetil may truly hurt the baby and can possibly cause premature delivery. Consequently, it isn't fitting to take it during pregnancy without speaking with your primary care physician.

Q. Is mycophenolate mofetil safe?

Mycophenolate mofetil is somewhat protected whenever utilized as suggested. If there should arise an occurrence of any secondary effects, counsel your primary care physician.

Q. Would it be able to be utilized during bosom taking care?

No, mycophenolate mofetil ought not to be utilized during the bosom taking care of a baby. Kindly counsel your PCP prior to taking the medication.

Q. Is mycophenolate mofetil cytotoxic?

Indeed. Mycophenolate mofetil may cause the passing of insusceptible cells and it additionally causes particular kinds of skin diseases. Patients ought to heed the guidance of the specialist in regard to its utilization.

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More Information
Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand : Cellcept
Generic Search : Mycophenolate Mofetil
Strength : 250mg, 500 mg