Foracort Respules (Budesonide + Formoterol)

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Buy Foracort Respules 0.5mg (Formoterol 20 Mcg + Budesonide 0.5 Mg), Formoterol is used for  treatment of wheezing, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties caused by asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) It is also used to treat bronchospasm (constriction of air passages) in people with night time asthma. Budesonide is used in the form of an inhaler for the treatment of asthma. It is also used for prevention and treatment of various allergies of the nose, throat or the lungs.

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Foracort Respules (Formoterol 20mcg + Budesonide 0.5mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Respule/s $46.16
60 Respule/s $90.32
90 Respule/s $134.48

Foracort Respules (Formoterol 20mcg + Budesonide 1mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Respule/s $51.62
60 Respule/s $101.24
90 Respule/s $150.86


Introduction of Foracort Respules (Formoterol + Budesonide)

Budesonide is a corticoid drug which is anti-inflammatory in action while FormoterolFumarate is a bronchodilator which works by relaxing the airways muscles thus facilitating breathing. This inhalation combination medicine is given under prescription for asthma prevention; treatment of Degenerating Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and a number of other conditions not mentioned here. The medication goes by a number of trade names such as Symbicort, Pulmicort, Fomtide (from Sun Pharma) and Foracort (from Cipla pharmaceuticals).

Uses of Foracort Respules (Formoterol + Budesonide)

Formoterol is used for treatment of wheezing, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties caused by asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) It is also used to treat bronchospasm (constriction of air passages) in people with night time asthma. Budesonide is used in the form of an inhaler for the treatment of asthma. It is also used for prevention and treatment of various allergies of the nose, throat or the lungs.

How it works

Formoterol belongs to a class of medication called long acting beta agonists. It helps in relaxing the muscles of the air passages, thus widening it and making it easier to breathe. Budesonide belongs to a group of medicines called as corticost**ds. It works by reducing swelling and inflammation in the nose, throat, lungs or intestine.
Some important facts about this combination(Foracort) medicine.

• This medication is prophylactic in action hence it is not of any help in the case of a full blown asthma.
• Its medication may aggravate the risk of deaths associated with asthma hence following the doctor’s instructions and prescription is of importance.
• Inquire from your doctor, the particular risks and benefits of using this medicine.
• Use of this combination medication should only be under a doctor’s directive if one has a pregnancy, planning to conceive or breast-feeding.
• Use of this medication on children whose age is 4 years and below should be prohibited.
• This st**dal drug may interfere with growth in children. It is important that you closely monitor your child’s growth during this medication and let your doctor know in case you see some irregularities in growth of the child.
• Prolonged usage of st**dal medications may damage bones leading to osteoporosis (porous bones) especially if one is a smoker, does not exercise enough, has deficiency of vitamin D and calcium or has a record of osteoporosis in the family lineage.

When should it be avoided?

Usage of this medication should be avoided and your doctor consulted in case you have

• Allergic reactions to the drug.
• Asthma or severe COPD conditions.
• Allergic reactions to milk protein, foods or other drugs.
• Hypertension.
• Epilepsy.
• Diabetes.
• Liver infections.
• Eye glaucoma.
• Tuberculosis.
• Thyroid disorders.
• Osteoporosis.
• Degraded immunity.

How should Foracort be taken?

• This medication should be taken only as prescribed by your doctor. Reference to the instructions on the leaflet that comes with the drug should be made for comprehensive details.
• After using the spray, flush your mouth with water to prevent oral yeast infection.
• Stock up the number of sprays you have used and dispose of the canister after around 120 sprays even if the canister seems to still have some medicine remaining in it.
• You should not stop usage of st**dal medication at once as doing so may bring about some unwelcome and unpleasant withdrawal effects. Stoppage should be done gradually under the guidance of your doctor.
• Always be with an identification card clearly showing that you require an oral st**d in the event of an emergency.
• All your medications should be used strictly as per the doctor’s prescription.
• Inform your doctor in case the medicine seem not to be of help after using it for some time as continued need for medication may signify an impending asthma attack.
• Inhalers and all medication should be stored in a cool, dry place. Exposing the canisters to elevated temperatures may lead to explosion.

What if you miss a dose?

In the event of missing a dose, take the dose as soon as you remember it unless time for the next dose is near, in which case you should not take it. Avoid taking extra dosages in order to make up for the missed dose.

What if you overdose?

Incase you take an overdose, call your doctor immediately or seek for emergency medical assistance the soonest possible. Some of the symptoms of overdosing this medication include:

• Fast or irregular heartbeats.
• Angina or chest pain.
• Body tremors.
• Seizures.
• Weakness and fatigue.
• Nausea or vomiting.
• Headache.

What should you avoid?

• Other forms of this medicine such as Severentor related inhaled bronchodilator such as Foradilsuch and Formoterol should be avoided unless or otherwise it is under the directive of your doctor.
• This medication may lower the white blood cells count in your body, a condition which is likely to reduce your body’s defense system against foreign bodies and infections. Therefore, interaction with sick people and places such as hospitals where chances of infections are high should be avoided.
• Seek for medical assistance in case you are exposed to measles or chicken pox as this can be fatal in individuals who are on st**dal medications.

What are Foracort side effects?

Below are some of the commonly experienced mild side effects of this medication. Consult your doctor if these conditions persist or seem to worsen.

• Dizziness.
• Headache.
• Nausea and vomiting.
• Diarrhea.
• Dry mouth.
• Running nose.
• Sinus pain.
• Coughs.
• Hoarse or deepened voice.

There may also be some allergic reactions associated with this medication and other serious side effects as given below. In case of manifestation of these side effects, medical assistance from the nearest healthcare canter or your doctor should be sought without hesitation.

• Hives.
• Difficulty in breathing.
• Swollen face, lips, or throat.
• Body tremors.
• Restlessness.
• Fever.
• Sharp chest pain.
• Yellow or green mucus in cough.
• Blurriness.
• Sore mouth or lips.
• Deteriorating asthmatic conditions.
• Irregular heartbeats.
• Bronchospasm.

What are the likely drug interactions of this medication?

Inform your doctor of any medication you may be currently using as the drugs below may interfere with the working of this medication. Do not start using any other drug without an approval from your doctor approval.

• Amiodarone(Cordarone).
• Anti retrovirals such as Atazanvir, Indinavir, Ritonavir and others.
• Diuretic or the water pill.
• MAO suppressors such as Isocarboxazid, Tranylcypromine, Phenelzine, and others.
• Anti-depressant drugs such as Fluoxetine, Imipramine, Desipramine, and others.
• Antifungals such as Ketoconazole or Itraconazole.
• Beta-blocker drugs such as Atenolol, Metoprolol, Carvedilol, and others.

Expert advice

  • Do not use formoterol inhalation to treat an asthma attack that has already begun.
  • Do not use this drug, if you are allergic to formoterol.
  • Never place a capsule in the mouthpiece of the inhaler.
  • Consult your doctor before taking formoterol, If you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant or breast feeding.
  • It should be taken as an inhaler or nebulizer after clearly following instructions of the doctor and the instructions given in the patient information leaflet in the medication box.

Frequently asked questions


Q.Is formoterol a st**d?
Formoterol belongs to a class of medication called long acting beta agonists. It is not a st**d; however it is available in combination with st**ds as an inhaler.

Q.How does formoterol work? How long does it take to work and how long does it stay in the body?
Formoterol belongs to a class of medication called long acting beta agonists. It helps in relaxing the muscles of the air passages, thus widening it and making it easier to breathe. Formoterol works best if taken before exercising or heavy work and another dose should not be taken in the next 12 hours. It is a long acting drug which is known to be effective for 12 hours in the body.

Q.What form does formoterol come in? What is formoterol fumarate/formoterol fumarate dihydrate/formoterol and budesonide/formoterol and advair?
Formoterol comes as a powder filled capsule for inhaler and a solution for nebulizer use. Formoterol fumarate and formoterol fumerate dihydrate are different formulations of formoterol. Budesonide is a st**d which may be prescribed by the doctor along with formoterol. Advair is another long acting beta agonist which is the brand name for salmeterol and fluticasone.

Q. Is formoterol safe?
Formoterol is safe when taken as per the directions of the doctor.

Q. is formoterol banned?
Formoterol is not banned.

Q. Does formoterol cause weight gain?
There are no studies showing that formoterol causes weight gain.

Q. Does formoterol cause death/asthma-related death?
Formoterol may increase risk of asthma-related death. It depends on the condition and co-morbidities and is individual response.

Q. Should formoterol be taken by pregnant women?
Formoterol should be taken by pregnant women only under the strict instructions and guidance of a doctor.


Q. Does budesonide inhaler contain st**ds?
Yes. Budesonide inhaler is a st**d drug used mainly to control an asthma attack.

Q. Is budesonide safe?
Yes. Budesonide is relatively safe if used as recommended. In case of any side-effects, please consult your doctor.

Q. Is budesonide same as Pulmicort?
Yes. Pulmicort is a brand name of budesonide.

Q. Are budesonide and albuterol same?
No. Budesonide is different from albuterol which is a beta-receptor agonist drug. Both are used
to treat asthma.

Q. Can I take ibuprofen/prednisolone/Benadryl with budesonide?
Budesonide can be taken with ibuprofen or Benadryl only if advised by your doctor. Prednisolone is another st**d medication and generally not taken along with other st**d like budesonide, so it is advisable to consult your doctor before taking prednisolone with budesonide.

Q. Does budesonide cause weight loss/weight gain/hair loss/hyperactivity?
Budesonide may cause weight gain but not weight loss, hyperactivity or hair loss and increased hair growth on face. If you notice any such symptoms, please consult your doctor.

Q. Does budesonide cure cough? Does it help in croup?
Budesonide can cure cough related to asthma or allergic diseases of nose, throat or chest. It is not used for croup.

Q. Is budesonide safe for infants?
It is advisable to consult your doctor before giving budesonide to an infant or child.

Q. Can I Take budesonide with food?
Yes. Budesonide can be taken with or without food. However, it should not be taken with grapefruit or grapefruit juice.

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More Information
Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand : Symbicort
Generic Search : Budesonide + Formoterol Fumarate
Strength : 0.5 mg, 1mg