Flutivate Cream (Fluticasone Propionate)

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Flutivate Cream is a medication primarily used to help and treat symptoms of asthma and habitual obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) similar as shortness of breath or gasping (effervescing sound while breathing). 

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Flutivate Cream 20gm (Fluticasone Propionate)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
1 Tube/s $11.30
3 Tube/s $33.90
6 Tube/s $65.00

Flutivate E Cream 30gm (Fluticasone Propionate)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
3 Tube/s $39.00
6 Tube/s $70.00
1 Tube/s $13.00

Introduction of Flutivate Cream (Fluticasone Propionate)

Flutivate Cream is a medication primarily used to help and treat symptoms of asthma and habitual obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) similar as shortness of breath or gasping (effervescing sound while breathing). Asthma is a habitual (long- term) respiratory condition in which airways narrow, voguish, and produce redundant mucus, leading to difficulty breathing. COPD is a group of lung diseases with emphysema (shortness of breath) and habitual bronchitis (inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes). Flutivate Cream contains fluticasone propionate. Fluticasone propionate belongs to the class of corticosteroids that works by acting inside the nasal lining cells and stops the release of certain chemicals in the body that beget seditious reactions. Thereby, it provides relief from sneezing, watery or blocked nose and sinus discomfort. Flutivate Cream is for inhalation only. Take Flutivate Cream by gobbling the number of puffs as advised by your doctor. Your doctor will recommend how frequently you take Flutivate Cream grounded on your medical condition. Some people may witness headache, sore throat, coarse voice, and fungal infection in the mouth. Utmost of these side effects of Flutivate Cream don't bear medical attention and gradationally resolve over time. Still, if the side effects persist or worsen, please consult your doctor. Flutivate Cream isn't suitable for some people. To make sure it's safe for you, tell your doctor if you have had an antipathetic reaction to fluticasone or any other medicines once. Don't take Flutivate Cream if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. Please inform your doctor as Flutivate Cream will only be specified if benefits fat the risks. Before using Flutivate Cream, please tell your doctor if you have or have ever been treated for viral or fungal infections. Also, tell your doctor if you have tuberculosis (a type of lung infection). Children aged 5 years and aged can use fluticasone inhalers under the supervision of a healthcare professional. For serious asthma, they can utilize a nebuliser from the age of 4 years.

Uses of Flutivate Cream (Fluticasone Propionate)

  • • Asthma
  • • Habitual obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Directions for Use

There are different types of fluticasone inhaler. It's essential to use your inhaler duly. This is to get the right amount of fluticasone into your lungs and the most benefit from your medicine. Fluticasone inhalers come in different strengths. Your doctor, asthma or respiratory medical caretaker will let you know which strength is appropriate for you. Continuously adhere to their directions or if it's not too much trouble, read the data hand out that accompanies it. This leaflet contains instructions and diagrams to show you how to use the inhaler, how to keep it clean, and how long to use it before getting are placement. It's important to utilize your fluticasone inhaler consistently to deal with your side effects. Use it regularly, indeed if you don't have any symptoms. In the wake of utilizing your inhaler, consistently set the top back on to keep it clean.

Side Effects of Flutivate Cream (Fluticasone Propionate)

  • • Nosebleeds
  • • Headache
  • • Oral thrush (a contagious contamination that causes white patches, redness and touchiness in your mouth)
  • • Dry or sore throat, or coarse voice


Precautions of Flutivate Cream (Fluticasone Propionate)

Flutivate Cream isn't suitable for some people. To make sure it's safe for you, tell your doctor if you have had an antipathetic reaction to fluticasone or any other medicines once. Don't take Flutivate Cream if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. Please inform your doctor as Flutivate Cream will only be specified if benefits fat the risks. Before using Flutivate Cream, please tell your doctor if you have or have ever been treated for viral or fungal infections. Also, tell your doctor if you have tuberculosis (a type of lung infection). Additionally, let your primary care physician know if you have chickenpox, measles or tuberculosis or on the other hand assuming you have been around somebody who has one of these circumstances. These diseases are largely contagious, and Flutivate Cream makes you more prone to infections. As a preventative measure, please stay down from dust to help relieve your symptoms more snappily. Children aged 5 years and aged can use fluticasone inhalers under the supervision of a healthcare professional. For extreme asthma, they can utilize a nebuliser from the age of 4 years.

Interactions of Flutivate Cream (Fluticasone Propionate)

medicine- medicine interactions Flutivate Cream may interact with antifungal medicines (e.g. ketoconazole), HIV medications (e.g. cobicistat, nelfinavir, ritonavir), macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin), and other medicines that contain steroids, similar as eczema creams, other asthma inhalers, tablets, injections, nasal sprays, eye or nose drops.
Medicine- Food Interactions Flutivate Cream interacts withnon-prescription medications, vitamins, nutritive supplements, and herbal products.
Medicine- Disease Interactions Inform your doctor if you have or ever had glaucoma (an eye disease), cataracts (clouding of the lens of the eye) and viral or fungal infections. Likewise, let your primary care physician know if you have chickenpox, measles or tuberculosis( TB, a sort of lung disease) or on the other hand in the event that you have been around somebody who has one of these circumstances.


Can I use fluticasone cream on my face?

This drug is just for use on the skin. Don't let fluticasone topical get into your eyes or mouth and don't swallow it. Keep away from use on the face, in the genital and rectal regions, and in skin wrinkles and armpits except if coordinated by your primary care physician.

Is Flutivate cream dangerous?

Infections. Flutivate Skin Ointment should be used with caution as this medicine can suppress your vulnerable system and may make you susceptible to infections or worsen an infection. This risk is especially advanced if this medicine is applied over a large area for a prolonged time.

How do you get dermatitis?

A common cause of dermatitis is contact with something that irritates your skin or triggers an antipathetic reaction — for example, poison ivy, perfume, lotion and jewellery containing nickel.

Is fluticasone a strong steroid?

Fluticasone propionate, a potent corticosteroid with high specificity for the glucocorticoid receptor, is available as a waterless nasal spray for the treatment of antipathetic rhinitis.

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More Information
Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand : Fluticasone
Generic Search : Fluticasone Propionate
Strength :