Extra Super P Force Tablet (Sildenafil Citrate + Dapoxetine)

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Buy Sildenafil Citrate / Dapoxetine Online - Dapoxetine and sildenafil belong to a class of medications known as "sexual enhancers" and are used to treat premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction in adult men. Premature ejaculation occurs when a man ejaculates (reaches orgasm) too quickly with minimal sexual sensation before he or his partner desires. This can lead to difficulties in a sexual relationship. Erectile dysfunction refers to the inability to maintain a firm and erect penis suitable for sexual activity.

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Extra Super P Force Tablet (Sildenafil (100mg) + Dapoxetine (100mg))

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
20 Tablet/s $40.00
40 Tablet/s $70.00
60 Tablet/s $99.00

Introduction of Extra Super P Force (Sildenafil Citrate/Dapoxetine)

DAPOXETINE/SILDENAFIL has a place with the class of prescriptions called 'sex energizers' utilized in the treatment of untimely discharge and erectile brokenness in grown-up men. Untimely discharge is the point at which a man discharges (climaxes) all the more rapidly with less sexual feeling before the man or his accomplice would like. This could prompt issues in a sexual relationship. Erectile brokenness is the failure to keep a hard and erect penis reasonable for sexual action.

DAPOXETINE/SILDENAFIL contains Dapoxetine and Sildenafil. Dapoxetine is a short-acting specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) that builds the serotonin levels in the cerebrum, in this manner expanding an opportunity to discharge and working on the command over-discharge. Sildenafil is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor that loosens the veins. It can further develop the bloodstream to the penis and assists with getting an erection when physically invigorated.

You ought to utilize this medication precisely as recommended by the specialist. The normal symptoms of DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL are discombobulation, cerebral pain, queasiness (feeling debilitated), stodgy nose, facial flushing (blushing of the face), acid reflux, dry mouth, and vision issues like light awareness or obscured vision. These incidental effects ordinarily resolve without requiring clinical consideration. Be that as it may, assuming any of these secondary effects continue or deteriorate, illuminate your primary care physician right away. Extra Super P Force is an Intimacy booster, also known as an aphrodisiac, which is a substance or activity that is believed to enhance sexual desire, performance, or pleasure.

It isn't prescribed to take DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL in the event that you are sensitive to any substance of it. Try not to take DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL assuming you have extreme heart or liver issues, a new history of coronary episode or stroke, hypotension (low pulse), eye illnesses or vision issues, a background marked by blacking out, and insanity or sorrow. Illuminate your PCP assuming that you are taking medications like nitrates (to treat circulatory strain or chest torment), antidepressants, anti-infection agents, or pain relievers. DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL ought not to be taken by youngsters and ladies. It ought to be involved with alerts in the older. Try not to take unnecessary measures of liquor while involving DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL as it might debilitate the capacity of erection and increment the gamble of incidental effects. DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL might cause unsteadiness and influence vision, so don't drive or work large equipment on the off chance that you are not completely ready.

Uses of Extra Super P Force (Sildenafil Citrate/Dapoxetine)

Therapeutic Benefits:

DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL is utilized in the treatment of untimely discharge and erectile brokenness. It assists with further developing discharge and erection time. It can assist with settling your concerns about sexual connections and the pressure, stress, or disappointment related to it. It assists with supporting your certainty and work on sexual execution. Take this medication precisely as your primary care physician recommends for the best outcomes.

Bearings for Use:

DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL is accessible as tablets. Tablets ought to be gulped down as an entire with a glass of water. Try not to squash, bite, or break the tablet. As a general rule, this medication is taken more time to 3 hours before the sexual activity, and one tablet is required one time each day. Nonetheless, the specific portion and span are given by the specialist in light of your ailment.

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Side effects ofExtra Super P Force (Sildenafil Citrate/Dapoxetine)

  • Wooziness
  • Migraine
  • Queasiness (feeling wiped out)
  • Stodgy nose
  • Facial flushing (blushing of the face)
  • Heartburn
  • Dry mouth
  • Vision issues like light responsiveness or obscured vision

Precaution of Extra Super P Force (Sildenafil Citrate/Dapoxetine)

Preceding taking DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL, enlighten your essential consideration doctor if you have sickle cell delicacy (uncommon production of red platelets), leukemia (blood harmful development), different myeloma (dangerous development of bone marrow), Peyronie's ailment (distortion in the penis), ulcer, or depleting in the stomach, heart issues, been drinking wearing prescriptions, for instance, bliss and narcotics, perspective issues, broken conduct, fits, are alcoholic, depleting or blood coagulating issues, kidney issues, and glaucoma (extended strain in the eye). DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL should not be carried with drugs like nitrates (to treat heartbeat or chest torture), antidepressants, hostile to microbial, or painkillers. Enlighten your PCP in case you are taking any of the above prescriptions. In case you experience an unexpected decrease in vision or loss of vision while using DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL, quit taking this drug and guide your PCP immediately.

Interaction with Extra Super P Force (Sildenafil Citrate/Dapoxetine)

Drug-Drug Interactions: DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL ought not to be utilized alongside medications used to treat chest torment (amyl nitrite and dynamite), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI) used to treat gloom, and different antidepressants (lithium and hypericum perforatum), a medication used to treat psychosis (thioridazine), anti-toxin (linezolid), pain reliever (tramadol), a medication that manages rest (tryptophan), prescriptions used to treat headache. You ought to stand by somewhere around 14 days subsequent to halting the above medications before you begin taking DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL or stand by no less than 7 days in the wake of halting DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL before you begin taking the above meds. DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL might interface with antifungal specialists (ketoconazole and itraconazole), drugs used to treat HIV (ritonavir, saquinavir, and atazanavir, and so on), anti-microbial (telithromycin), meds used to treat hypertension, and alpha-blockers that are utilized to treat hypertension or prostate issues in men (alfuzosin, doxazosin, and tamsulosin, and so forth.)

Drug-Food Interactions: Do not drink grapefruit juice something like 24 hours prior to taking DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL and keep away from liquor while accepting this medication as it might expand the gamble of incidental effects. What's more, avoid weighty dinners before accepting this medication as it might make DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL postpone its impact.

Drug-Disease Interactions: DAPOXETINE+SILDENAFIL ought not to be utilized in patients with extreme heart or liver issues, a new history of coronary episode or stroke, hypotension (low circulatory strain), retinitis pigmentosa (an uncommon acquired eye sickness), or loss of vision due to non-arteritic foremost ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION) (an eye infection), history of swooning, and madness or wretchedness.


Is dapoxetine for erectile brokenness?

Dapoxetine has been supported in various nations yet not yet in the United States. In an investigation of men with both untimely discharge and erectile brokenness who were on phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) treatment, dapoxetine gave treatment benefit and was for the most part all around endured.

How rapidly does dapoxetine work?

It builds the time it takes to discharge and can work on the command over the discharge. It begins to work rapidly, so it is taken when you expect to have intercourse, as opposed to consistently. You need to take it 1-3 hours before you have intercourse.

Is dapoxetine for erectile brokenness?

Dapoxetine has been supported in various nations yet not yet in the United States. In an investigation of men with both untimely discharge and erectile brokenness who were on phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) treatment, dapoxetine gave treatment benefits and was by and large very much endured.

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Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand :
Generic Search : sildenafil with dapoxetine
Strength : 100mg + 100mg