Decmax (Dexamethasone Tablet)

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Decmax 4 mg Tablet belongs to a group of medicinal called steroids. It's used in the treatment of colourful diseases and conditions similar as seditious conditions, autoimmune conditions, and cancer. Decmax 4 mg Tablet gives alleviation from enlarging, greenishness, torment, and tingling in the impacted region by blocking the arrival of substances that conceive irritation. It ought to be taken with food to keep away from stomach upset. Taking the medication regularly at the right times increases its effectiveness. It's important to keep taking the medication regularly until your doctor tells you it's safe to stop.

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Decmax Tablet 8mg (Dexamethasone 8mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
40 Tablets $7.20
80 Tablets $14.40
120 Tablets $21.60

Decmax Tablet 4mg (Dexamethasone 4mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
40 Tablets $4.50
80 Tablets $9.00
120 Tablets $13.50

Introduction of Decmax (Dexamethasone tablet)


Decmax 4 mg (Dexamethasone tablet) belongs to a group of medicinal called steroids. It's used in the treatment of colourful diseases and conditions similar as seditious conditions, autoimmune conditions, and cancer. Decmax 4 mg Tablet gives alleviation from enlarging, greenishness, torment, and tingling in the impacted region by blocking the arrival of substances that conceive irritation. It ought to be taken with food to keep away from stomach upset. Taking the medication regularly at the right times increases its effectiveness. It's important to keep taking the medication regularly until your doctor tells you it's safe to stop.

Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's has a place with a class of not really set in stone for distinctive adversarial and protester conditions, including outrageous illnesses like threatening development. Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's primarily treats and reduce symptoms of a wide range of inflammation, infections, antipathetic disorders, autoimmune diseases, cancer, flare-ups of ongoing illnesses. Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's is utilized as ananti-fiery medication (to drop repetitive liquid burden) related with spine and cerebrum growth (malignant growth), gastrointestinal aggravation infection (illness, ulcerative colitis), normal issue (rheumatoid joint pain), hypersensitivities (asthma), immune system sicknesses (lupus), and to improve hunger in the disease patients. In some cancer patients, it reduces symptoms of chemotherapy- convinced nausea and vomiting. Moreover, Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's additionally treat croup (yelping hack) in the youngsters and diminishes the eye/ear aggravation. Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's contains 'Dexamethasone' generally specified as a short- term medicine to treat and help colourful inflammation in the body. Corticosteroids are normally plant in our body and admission of Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's lift our body with a repetitive corticosteroid to treat numerous diseases, remembering irritation and hesitations for the body.

Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's is a corticosteroid that diminishes aggravation/expanding and greenishness by blocking disease battling white platelets (WBCs) from going to the space of enlarging in your body. It also blocks chemical messenger in the brain that's responsible for causing inflammation and pain, helping reduce symptoms in colourful diseases. As a result, it lowers inflammation, which could else make the condition worse. Effectively, Dexamethasone Tablet helps to treat a wide range of seditious, antipathetic, and autoimmune diseases. Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's should be taken consistently to get the most extreme advantage of Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's. Most extreme of the symptoms of Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's don't bear clinical consideration and gradationally resolve over the long haul. Common side effects include stomach worried, low bone density, mood changes, increased oral thrush (due to fungal infection). Still, if the side effects are patient, reach out to your doctor.

It isn't judicious to suddenly stop this medication to avoid unwelcome side effects and unforeseen withdrawal symptoms. Illuminate your primary care physician assuming you have any lung or kidney illness, muscle shortcoming (myasthenia gravis), blood disease, headache ( extreme cerebral pain), epilepsy ( fits), tuberculosis (TB), melancholy, hypertension, or heart issue. While taking Dexamethasone Tablet, don't communicate anyone who has shingles, chickenpox, or measles. However, please inform your doctor incontinently as it requires special treatment if you haven't had these illnesses, If you accidentally come in contact with any person having them. Please tell your doctor if you have had an accident, need to suffer a listed surgery, are ill, need a vaccination (especially a live vaccination), as your doctor might stop Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's in these conditions.Inform your doctor before taking Dexamethasone Tablet if you're planning to get pregnant, are pregnant, or breastfeeding as Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's isn't recommended in these stages. The utilization of liquor ought to be restricted to keep away from stomach ulcer development, particularly in patients with a peptic ulcer (stomach ulcer).

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Precautions Of Decmax Tablet (Dexamethasone)

Don't take Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's if you're antipathetic to any corticosteroids or any of the ingredients of Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's. Still, planning for pregnancy or breastfeeding, it's recommended generally not to take Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's, If you're pregnant. Don't suddenly stop taking Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's as you might feel a headache or problem with vision, fever, pain in muscles, which are withdrawal symptoms of Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's. Consult your doctor, and your dosage be lowered gradationally to avoid any withdrawal symptoms. While taking Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's, don't communicate anyone who has shingles, chickenpox, or measles. However, please inform your doctor incontinently as it requires special treatment if you haven't had these illnesses, If you accidentally come in contact with any person having them. Input of alcohol should be limited as it may lead to stomach ulcers when taken along with Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's. Illuminate your doctor in the event that you have any liver or kidney infection, muscle shortcoming (myasthenia gravis), blood disease, headache (serious migraine), epilepsy (regular fits), tuberculosis (TB), melancholy, hypertension, or heart problem. However, need to suffer a listed surgery, need a vaccination (especially a live vaccination), If you have had an accident.

Uses Of Dexamethasone Tablet

In Treatment of Seditious conditions
Dexamethasone Tablet gives help in rebellious conditions that influence muscles and joints comparable as joint inflammation and an closing spondylitis. It also helps manage other seditious conditions similar as asthma, seditious bowel disease, uveitis, ulcerative colitis, and allergies. It works by blocking certain chemicals that beget pain and swelling.

In Treatment of Autoimmune conditions
Decmax 4 mg Tablet gives alleviation in immune system conditions like psoriasis, rheumatoid joint pain, skin inflammation, atopic dermatitis, and so on. It works by lowering your vulnerable system’s response to these conditions thereby reducing symptoms similar as swelling, pain, itching, and other antipathetic- type responses.

Tablet form It should be taken with a meal or just after a meal with plenty of water to avoid worried stomach in dose and duration specified by a doctor. Injection form Infusion ought to just be put at the emergency clinic by an expert. Soluble tablets Dissolve it in a glass of water and furthermore drink it. Fluid structure Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's for the most part accompanies a plastic needle or spoon for precise estimation. A kitchen spoon shouldn't be utilized as it doesn't give the right amount. Inhaler Breathe in sluggishly and hold the Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's with the mouthpiece down. Presently, place your lips around the mouthpiece for a tight seal. As you start sluggishly to breathe by through your mouth, press down on the inhaler one time. Keep breathing profoundly in a sluggish way

Side Effects Of Decmax Tablet

Like all medicinal, Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's can generate secondary effects, albeit not every person gets them. Most extreme of the symptoms of Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's don't bear clinical consideration and gradationally resolve after some time. Common side effects include stomach worried, low bone density, mood changes, oral thrush (prone to fungal infection). Still, it may beget application site reactions, which will vanish soon, If you're using the injection form of Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's. Still, if the side effects are patient, reach out to your doctor. However, itching, swelling, If you witness any antipathetic response symptoms similar as rashes. You should incontinently communicate the doctor.

Utmost side effects don't bear any medical attention and vanish as your body adjusts to the medicinal. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re upset about them

• Cardiovascular complications
• Metabolic disorder
• Infection
• Hiccup
• Dropped sperm count
• Cushing syndrome
• Electrolyte imbalance
• Outer muscle (bone, muscle or joint) torment
• Gastrointestinal disorder
• Skin disorder
• Neurological disorder
• Menstrual disorder
• Abnormal hair growth
• Glaucoma

How Dexamethasone Tablet Works

Decmax 4 mg Tablet is a steroid which works by blocking the production of certain chemical couriers in the body that beget inflammation (greensickness and swelling) and allergies.

Interactions Of Decmax Tablet

Medicine- medicine interaction This medicinal may have an interaction with medicinal to treat heart and blood problems (warfarin), antibiotics (rifampicin, rifabutin),anti-epilepsy medicinal (phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, primidone), antacids (carbenoxolone), pain killer (aspirin, ibuprofen),anti-HIV medications (indinavir, saquinavir, ritonavir, cobicistat), oral contraceptives containing estrogen and progestogen,anti-cancer medications (aminoglutethimide, methotrexate),anti-glaucoma medications (acetazolamide). Medication Disease Interaction Decmax 4 mg Tablet 4's shouldn't be utilized in individuals with blood malignant growth, muscle shortcoming (myasthenia gravis), misery, kidney or liver issues, hypertension, coronary illness, diabetes, glaucoma ( expanded eye pressure), an underactive thyroid organ, herpes eye contamination, peptic ulcer, osteoporosis (diminishing of bones), epilepsy ( fits), headaches, tuberculosis (TB).

More Information
Manufacturer : GLS Pharma Ltd
Equivalent Brand : Decadron
Generic Search : Dexamethasone
Strength : 4mg, 8mg