Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)

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Bisoprolol 2.5 mg (Corbis) is a blood pressure-lowering medicine used in the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure), angina (chest pain accompanied by chest tightness), and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). Bisoprolol is also referred to as Zebeta.

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Corbis 2.5mg Tablet (Bisoprolol 2.5mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $5.64
60 Tablet/s $11.28
90 Tablet/s $16.92

Corbis 5mg Tablet (Bisoprolol 5mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $6.78
60 Tablet/s $13.56
90 Tablet/s $20.34

Corbis 10mg Tablet (Bisoprolol 10mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablet/s $11.49
60 Tablet/s $22.98
90 Tablet/s $34.47

Introduction of Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)

Corbis Tablet is a blood pressure-lowering medicine used in the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure), angina (chest pain accompanied by chest tightness), and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). It protects the heart in early treatment after a heart attack (heart attack). It is also sold under the brand name Zebeta. Corbis Tablet belongs to the category of beta-blockers. Hypertension is a medical condition in which blood exerts high pressure on the walls of arteries (blood vessels). This increases the heart's workload, and if it goes on for a long time, the heart and arteries may not work properly. It can damage the arteries in the heart, brain, and kidneys, leading to stroke, heart failure, or kidney failure. However, lowering blood pressure can reduce the risk of stroke and heart attack. Corbis Tablet works by changing the way your body responds to certain nerve impulses, especially in the heart. Corbis Tablet slows your heart rate and makes it easier for your heart to pump blood around your body. Although Corbis Tablet helps to lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, other heart problems, or kidney problems in the future. Try not to stop taking Corbis Tablet on your own, as it can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk of a heart attack. Before taking Corbis Tablet, tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver disease, or if you have diabetes or heart disease. If you are pregnant or nursing, please inform your doctor to be prescribed the appropriate dose of Corbis Tablet. Do not use Corbis Tablet if you have a cardiogenic shock (sudden cessation of blood flow to the heart). Please inform your doctor if you are taking any other medications or if you are allergic to Corbis Tablet and its ingredients. You should not take or consult a doctor if you have asthma, wheezing, or any other breathing problems, allergic reactions (such as insect bites), Prinzmetal's angina (chest pain), diabetes, poor blood circulation, or early-stage heart blockage.

It's important to speak with your healthcare consultant before changing any of your medicines.

Bisoprolol dosage may change based on the patient's unique medical needs, how well they respond to treatment, and other variables.

When starting bisoprolol for hypertension, the usual dosage is 2.5 mg or 5 mg once daily. Your healthcare provider may change this depending on how you react to the drug.

For specific guidance on your bisoprolol dosage and any necessary modifications based on your health situation, speak with your healthcare consultant.

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Precautions Of Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)

Do not skip any doses or stop taking Corbi's tablets without consulting your doctor. Stopping Corbis Tablet gradually may cause changes in your blood pressure and heart rate, chest pain, or heart attack. Your doctor will gradually reduce your dose over a period of time to help prevent these symptoms. Tell your doctor if you are allergic to Corbis Tablet and any of its ingredients or have heart, kidney, or liver problems. Do not take Corbis Tablet if you have low blood pressure, very slow heart rate, severe heart rhythm problems, severe circulation problems in your arms and legs, recent heart failure, asthma, liver function, or metabolic disorder. Before taking Corbis Tablet, you should tell your doctor if you have low blood pressure, breathing problems (bronchitis, emphysema, COPD), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), problems liver/kidney problems, thyroid hormone disorders, or circulation problems (Raynaud's syndrome).

Uses Of Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)

  • Raise blood pressure (high blood pressure), angina (heart-related chest pain), prevent heart attacks or strokes

Directions For Use

Bisoprolol Fumarate 2.5mg Tablet (Zebeta) might be taken regardless of food as proposed by your doctor. Swallow the tablet whole with about a glass of water. Try not to smash, bite, or break the tablet. It is best to take the medication at the same time each day for best results. Never take an excess to compensate for a missed portion.

Side Effects Of Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)

Like all medicines, Corbis Tablet has side effects, although not everyone gets them. Some common side effects include nausea, headache, fatigue, constipation, dizziness, and cold extremities. Most side effects of Corbis Tablet do not require medical attention and gradually go away over time. However, if the side effects persist or if you experience other side effects consistently when taking Corbis Tablet while taking Corbis Tablet, talk to your doctor.

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Can I Use Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol) During Pregnancy?

This medicine should not be used during pregnancy because it may harm an unborn baby. However, your doctor can only prescribe this medicine for you if it is clearly necessary. Please consult your doctor before using this medicine.

Can I Use Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol) While Breastfeeding?

Corbis (Zebeta) is not recommended during breastfeeding because it is not known whether it passes into breast milk. Please consult your doctor before using this medicine.

Can I Drive If I Have Taken Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)?

You may experience dizziness as a side effect while taking this medicine. Therefore, you should be careful when driving or using machinery.

Can I Drink Alcohol With Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)?

You should avoid drinking alcohol during treatment with Corbis because it can make your condition worse.

Interactions With Corbis Tablet (Bisoprolol)

Drug-Drug Interactions: Corbis Tablet (Zebeta) may interact with other antihypertensive drugs or beta-blockers, causing a dangerous drop in heart rate. In addition, Corbis Tablet should not be used with pain relievers (ibuprofen), steroids (prednisolone), cough medicine (pseudoephedrine, xylometazoline), allergy medicine (ephedrine, norepinephrine or adrenaline), antibiotics (rifampicin), and other medications. Treatment for an enlarged prostate such as tamsulosin, or medications for Parkinson's disease, such as carbidopa and levodopa.

Food-Drug Interactions: Use Corbis Tablets with grapefruit and other protein-rich foods. Taking Corbis Tablet with Ayurvedic, Homeopathic, Unani, herbal supplements, or any other over-the-counter products may decrease the effects of Corbis Tablet. Therefore, it is better to maintain an interval of at least 2 hours between taking Corbis Tablet and these products.

Drug-Disease Interactions: Corbis Tablet should not be used by people with cardiogenic shock (when the heart cannot pump the blood it needs to the body), hypotension (low blood pressure), narrowing (problems with heart valve disease), coronary heart disease, heart failure, diabetes, asthma, and liver disease.

More Information
Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand : Zebeta
Generic Search : Bisoprolol
Strength : 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg