Flexura D Tablet (Diclofenac + Metaxalone)

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Flexura D Tablet (Diclofenac 50 Mg + Metaxalone 400 Mg)

Package QTY Price Add To Cart
30 Tablets $13.89
60 Tablets $27.78
90 Tablets $41.67

About Flexura D Tablet 10's

Flexural D Tablet 10's belongs to a category of medicines called Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or pain killers. Flexura D Tablet 10's is employed to scale back and relieve pain thanks to the muscle spasms (excessive tension within the muscles). spasm is that the sudden involuntary contractions of the muscle, which may be painful and uncomfortable. When the nerve impulses that control the muscle movements are damaged or interrupted, it could lead to muscle spasms.

Flexura D Tablet 10's may be a combination of two drugs namely: Diclofenac and Metaxalone. Diclofenac may be a pain killer (NSAIDs) while Metaxalone may be a striated muscle relaxant. Diclofenac works by blocking the effect of a chemical messenger in your body, referred to as cyclo-oxygenase (COX) enzymes that make another chemical 'prostaglandins' (PG). These prostaglandins are composed at injury sites and cause pain and swelling. By blocking the effect of COX enzymes, lesser PGs are composed, which reduces mild to moderate pain and inflammation at the injured or damaged site. On the opposite hand, Metaxalone works by blocking the nerve impulses and pain sensations within the brain, thereby help in maintaining muscle strength and relieves muscle spasms or stiffness. Together, Flexura D Tablet 10 helps in relieving pain thanks to muscle spasms.

Take Flexura D Tablet 10's with food. don't chew, or break the tablet; swallow it as an entire with a glass of water. you're advised to require Flexura D Tablet 10's for as long as your doctor has prescribed it for you counting on your medical condition. In some cases, you'll experience certain common side effects like stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache. Most of those side effects don't require medical attention and can resolve gradually over time. However, you're advised to speak to your doctor if you experience these side effects persistently.

Flexural D Tablet 10's can increase your risk of a fatal attack or stroke. So, if you've got had any recent operation, don't use Flexura D Tablet 10's. Flexura D Tablet 10's increases the probabilities of stomach ulcers and bleeding. To treat your condition effectually, continue taking Flexura D Tablet 10's for as long as your doctor has prescribed. don't take Flexura D Tablet 10's if you're pregnant or breastfeeding unless prescribed. Flexural D Tablet 10's source drowsiness and dizziness, so drive with caution. Flexural D Tablet 10's shouldn't tend to children as safety and efficacy haven't been traditional. Avoid consuming alcohol alongside Flexura D Tablet 10's because it could lead to increased drowsiness and dizziness; it'd also increase the danger of stomach bleeding. Keep your doctor informed about your health condition and antibiotic to rule out any side effects.

Uses of Flexura D Tablet 10's

Pain thanks to spasm

Directions to be used

Take Flexura D Tablet 10's with food. don't chew, or break the tablet; swallow it as an entire with a glass of water. supported your medical condition, your doctor will decide how long you would like to require Flexura D Tablet 10's.


Store during a cool and dry place faraway from sunlight

Side Effects of Flexura D Tablet 10's

Like all medicines, Flexura D Tablet 10's also can cause side effects, although nobody experiences them. Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, and headache are the natural side-effects of Flexura D Tablet 10's. Please consider your doctor if you experience any of those side effects persistently.

In-Depth Precautions and Warning

Drug Warning

Flexural D Tablet 10's can increase your risk of a fatal attack or stroke. So, if you've got had any recent operation, don't use Flexura D Tablet 10's. don't take Flexura D Tablet 10's if you're allergic to Flexura D Tablet 10's, have a serious coronary failure, have suffered bleeding problems like bleeding from the stomach or bowels while taking any pain killers otherwise, you have liver or kidney problems. Inform your doctor before taking Flexura D Tablet 10's if you've got or had a high vital sign, heart problems, high cholesterol, diabetes, asthma, liver and kidney problems. don't take Flexura D Tablet 10's if you're pregnant or breastfeeding unless prescribed. Flexural D Tablet 10's causes drowsiness and dizziness, so drive as long as you're alert. Flexural D Tablet 10's shouldn't tend to children because safety hasn't been established. Avoid consuming alcohol alongside Flexura D Tablet 10's because it could lead to increased drowsiness and may increase the danger of stomach bleeding. Stop taking Flexura D Tablet 10's and consult your doctor immediately if you've got stomach pain or any signs of bleeding in the intestine or stomach like blood in stools. don't take the other NSAIDs for pain relief alongside Flexura D Tablet 10's unless prescribed. Keep your doctor informed about your health situation and medicines to rule out any side effects.

Safety Advice

Avoid consumption of alcohol while taking Flexura D Tablet 10's because it may increase drowsiness. It also can increase the danger of stomach bleeding.

Avoid taking Flexura D Tablet 10's if you're pregnant unless prescribed by a doctor. Please consult your doctor if you've got any concerns regarding this, your doctor will prescribe as long as the advantages outweigh the risks.

Consult your doctor before taking Flexura D Tablet 10's; your doctor will decide whether Flexura D Tablet 10's are often taken by breastfeeding mothers or not.

A dose adjustment could also be needed in patients with liver impairment. Please consult your doctor if you've got a liver impairment or any concerns regarding this.

A dose adjustment could also be needed in patients with kidney impairment. Please consult your doctor if you've got kidney impairment or any concerns regarding this.

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More Information
Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand :
Generic Search : Diclofenac + Metaxalone
Strength : 50 mg, 400 mg