Biovorin Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin)

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Biovorin 15 Tablet is a medication that contains Leucovorin. It is utilized to forestall the unsafe impacts of methotrexate (anticancer medication). It is additionally utilized in the treatment of methotrexate glut. It additionally builds the viability of specific enemy of malignant growth drugs like 5-fluorouracil.

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Biovorin 15mg Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin)

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30 Tablet/s $36.99
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90 Tablet/s $110.97

Introduction of Biovorin Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin) 

Biovorin 15 Tablet is a medication that contains Leucovorin. It is utilized to forestall the unsafe impacts of methotrexate (anticancer medication). It is additionally utilized in the treatment of methotrexate glut. It additionally builds the viability of specific enemies of malignant growth drugs like 5-fluorouracil. This medication works by safeguarding sound cells from the poisonous impacts of methotrexate. Biovorin 15 Tablet is by and large a protected medication with no normal secondary effects when utilized in the recommended measurement. In any case, counsel your PCP assuming that you experience any unfortunate impacts in the wake of taking it. Try not to take this medication assuming that you are hypersensitive to it. Biovorin Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin) is a nutritional supplement that contains Calcium Leucovorin, a form of folic acid. Folic acid is an important B vitamin that plays a crucial role in the growth and development of healthy cells in the body. Calcium Leucovorin is the calcium salt form of Leucovorin, which is a derivative of folic acid.

Biovorin 15 tablets can be taken regardless of food. Take this medication in the portion and for the span endorsed by your PCP. Adhere to every one of the directions given by your primary care physician and don't take more than the endorsed portion. Your primary care physician might recommend standard blood tests to screen your platelets and serum methotrexate focus in your blood. Biovorin 15mg tablets may not be appropriate for all individuals. Illuminate your PCP in the event that you have a lack of vitamin B12 and some other medical problems. Likewise, illuminate your primary care physician pretty much the entirety of your continuous meds prior to taking this medication. Assuming you are pregnant or are breastfeeding, illuminate your PCP prior to recommending this medication to you.

The doses should be taken as per instructed by your physician or healthcare provider. If you miss the dose then take it as soon as you remember, however, if it is time for the net dose then skip the missed dose and continue with your prescription. The tablet should be swallowed whole and not crushed, chewed, or broken. If a patient is unable to swallow the tablet, it can be dissolved in water or apple juice. 

Uses of Biovorin Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin) 

  • • Methotrexate salvage

Biovorin 15 Tablet is utilized to forestall the hurtful impacts of methotrexate that is utilized for the therapy of malignant growth. It is likewise used to neutralize the impacts of weakened methotrexate end or coincidental overdosage.

  • • Folic corrosive adversary glut

Biovorin 15 Tablet is likewise used to renew folic corrosive in your body and diminish the harmfulness caused because of the organization of folic corrosive adversaries like Aminopterin, Pyrimethamine, Trimethoprim, Triamterene, and so on. It is likewise used to check the harmful impacts caused because of an unintentional excess of these prescriptions.

  • • Megaloblastic paleness

Megaloblastic pallor is a diminished bigger red platelet count. It is brought about by a lack of folic corrosive (Vitamin B9) because of malnourishment, liver confusion, pregnancy, or a decreased capacity to retain folic corrosive from the eating routine. Biovorin 15 Tablet is utilized to get pallor caused due folic corrosive inadequacy.

Side effects of Biovorin Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin) 

Major and minor secondary effects of Biovorin 15 Tablet

  • • Extreme skin rash and hives
  • • Expanding of the face, arms, hands, lower legs, or feet
  • • Trouble relaxing
  • • Trouble gulping
  • • Blacking out
  • • Fever
  • • Spasms (seizures)
  • • Disturbance and uneasiness
  • • Acid reflux
  • • Trouble nodding off
  • • Stripping and rankling of skin
  • • Blockage
  • • Uncommon sluggishness or shortcomings

Precautions of Biovorin Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin) 


Biovorin 15 Tablet isn't suggested for use in pregnancy except if fundamental. Your PCP will gauge the advantages and the dangers prior to recommending this medication to you.

Bosom taking care of:

Biovorin 15 Tablet isn't suggested for use in breastfeeding except if essential. Subsequently, in the event that you are breastfeeding, illuminate your PCP prior to taking this medication.

General alerts: 

Different prescriptions:

Biovorin 15 Tablet might associate with numerous different drugs and may cause extreme aftereffects. Thus, it is exhorted that you report all your ongoing prescriptions, including any spices and enhancements to your PCP prior to starting treatment with this medication.

Use in older:

Use Biovorin 15 Tablet with alert in the older as the gamble of secondary effects is high.

Seizure issues:

Seizures are a cerebrum problem that causes uncontrolled body development, conduct, and condition of mindfulness. Use Biovorin 15 Tablet with alert assuming that you have seizures jumble since it might deteriorate your condition. This hazard is particularly higher assuming higher portions of this medication are utilized.

Interactions with Biovorin Tablet (Calcium Leucovorin) 

All medications connect contrastingly for one individual to another. You ought to actually take a look at every one of the potential communications with your PCP prior to beginning any medication.

Association with Alcohol:

Cooperation with liquor is obscure. Counseling your primary care physician before consumption is prudent.


Association with liquor is obscure. Counseling your primary care physician before consumption is prudent.

Communication with Medicine

  • • Phenobarbital
  • • Fluorouracil
  • • Capecitabine
  • • Trimethoprim
  • • Ceftriaxone
  • • Phenytoin
  • • Methotrexate

Disease interactions

Undiscovered sickliness:

Sickliness is a state of low red platelets in your blood. It isn't prescribed to take Biovorin 15 Tablet for undiscovered sickliness, as this medication isn't appropriate for paleness caused because of lack of vitamin B12.


Seizures are mind problem that causes uncontrolled body development, conduct, and condition of mindfulness. Use Biovorin 15 Tablet with intense watchfulness on the off chance that you have a background marked by seizures as it might deteriorate your condition. This hazard is particularly higher assuming that higher portions of this medication are utilized.


Is leucovorin equivalent to folic corrosive?

Leucovorin is additionally called folinic corrosive. It's practically the same, but not equivalent to folic corrosive. Folic corrosive is an over-the-counter dietary enhancement for low folate levels, though leucovorin is just accessible by solution, and it treats aftereffects from methotrexate and another enemy of folate drugs.

Does leucovorin cause going bald?

This activity likewise impacts typical cells which can cause huge aftereffects in the body, for example, low white, red, and platelet counts, balding, mouth bruises, trouble gulping, loose bowels, and liver, lung, nerve, and kidney harm.

Is leucovorin a nutrient?

Leucovorin is a compound like folic corrosive, which is an important nutrient. It has been near and being used for a long time. Leucovorin is a prescription regularly utilized in mix with the chemotherapy drugs fluoruracil and methotrexate.

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More Information
Manufacturer : A. Menarini India Pvt Ltdine HCL)
Equivalent Brand : Folinic
Generic Search : Calcium Leucovorin Tablet
Strength : 15mg